Warsaw’s Museums and History!
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Warsaw’s Museums and History!

Dear Students,
We’ve already written a post about the best places to enjoy the sunshine in Warsaw. But what if the weather isn’t cooperating? Don’t worry. Warsaw has plenty to offer indoors, too.

National Museum in Warsaw: one of the largest museums in Poland, the National Museum houses a collection of Polish and international art from the Middle Ages to the present day. The museum’s collection includes paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings and decorative arts.

Warsaw Uprising Museum: it is dedicated to the 1944 Warsaw Uprising, a mjor Polish resistance against German occupation during Wrold War 2. The museum uses exhibits, films and dioramas to tell the incredible story of the uprising.

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews: this award-winning museum tells the story of the thousand-year history of Polish Jews in an engaging and inspiring way. The permanent exhibition is a multimedia extravaganza, featuring films and original artifacts that take you on a journey through Jewish life in Poland before, during and after World War 2.

Frederic (Fryderyk in Polish) Chopin Museum: get ready to be blown away by the incredible museum dedicated to the life and work of Poland’s most famous composer. Here, you’ll discover a fascinating look at Chopin’s life and his enduring influence on Polish music. You can see original manuscripts, scores, instruments and personal belongings of Chopin, all in one place! And there’s more! The museum also hosts regular piano recitals, making it a fantastic place for music lovers.

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