Visa extension

How to receive
a certificate for
from the University

(the website is in Polish)

If you wish to obtain a certificate, you need to go to "Zaświadczenia i aneksy" overlap in your EXTRANET profile. You will then be guided to the next page.

From there, you can apply for a certificate by clicking the "nowy wniosek" ("new application") .

Now you need to choose the type of certificate (one of three listed on the site).
They are, as follows:

  • certificate of continuing education (zaświadczenie o kontynuowaniu nauki przez cudzoziemca) - for a Residence card/visa
  • general certificate of study (zaświadczenie ogólne o studiowaniu) - for a job
  • certificate for a bank (zaświadczenie do banku) - only for Polish citizens

After choosing the type of certificate that you want to obtain, you will be moved to the next page, where you will be asked to fill in your personal data.

Information about the status and waiting time

The first page contains a list of all applications for issuing a certificate that have been submitted since the launch of the system. Each item on the list has a status:

  • The Status is oczekuje - the application is being considered by the Dean's Office.
  • Status for do odbioru - the certificate can be collected at the Dean's Office.
  • Status odebrane - receipt of the certificate has been signed by the student.
  • Status odrzucony (rejected) - the application was not approved by the Dean's Office. After clicking the preview button, the reason for the rejection will be displayed.

Please be advised that the waiting time for the certificate may be up to 14 days.

The site is only in Polish.