Exam Session is HERE!
Last Culture Zone meeting!
CEEPUS Summer School 2024 at the UEHS begins!

Exam Session is HERE!

Dear students,
We’re so excited for the exams to begin! We hope you’re ready as we are.
Remember, these exams are the most important part of the term. To check when your exam is, just log in to Verbis and check the schedule.
If this is your first exam session or you’re a little stressed, we’ve got some tips to help you get ready for what’s to come.

  1. Make a study schedule that works for you and stick to it. Make the most of your course materials, textbooks and lecture notes.
  2. Bouncing ideas off classmates and explaining concepts to each other is a great way to solidify your understanding.
  3. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and schedule breaks to avoid burnout. A healthy mind and body are essential for peak performance.

Now, let’s talk about the exams themselves!

  1. Make sure you’ve got all the right materials, like pens, pencils, calculators and your student ID (if it’s an offline exam). And if it’s an online exam, make sure your internet connection is stable.
  2. Plan your time wisely so you can complete all sections of the exam and submit your answers for the online exam 3-5 minutes before the deadline.

Remember, everyone feels exam pressure! With good preparation, a positive attitude, and a little self-care, you can absolutely ace your exams!

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