Official Opening Ceremony of the CEEPUS Summer School!
CEEPUS Summer School 2024 at the UEHS begins!
CEEPUS Summer School!

Official Opening Ceremony of the CEEPUS Summer School!

We’re delighted to announce that the official opening ceremony for the CEEPUS Summer School was held today! The Welcome Office, together with the authorities of our University, have welcomed the CEEPUS participants with open arms.
After a warm welcome, we made sure that everything was running smoothly by giving all the participants a comprehensive tour of our campus. This will help them navigate their surroundings efficiently during their short time here.
To top off this jam-packed first day, we treated them to a captivating trip to Warsaw’s Old Town. It was a fantastic way to immerse them in the city’s vibrant history and culture, all within a single day!
We’re excited to pack as much learning and fun as possible into these next two weeks for our CEEPUS participants!

Kampus Vizja Park
Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie

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